Sunday, January 25, 2009

Definition of health

While starting to write this blog I wanted to search for the definition of health and as usual the first thing that I did was to search for health in Google.

Wikipedia said that there is nothing per se which can be called a universal definition of health and each and every one of the countries and cultures define the health in a unique manner.

It said something like a resource for everyday life and the not the objective of living. Health is all encompassing and it said that health is meant to be the positive concept which is sure to mean something very abstract but which is wanted by everyone young and old.

Health is wealth is definitely true in a way. One because the health of the people is related to the general sense of well being as well as what it means is that you cannot but live a good life when in good health. You are cheerful, you enjoy various things in life and also work hard to make sure that it is very much the essence by which we live.

Health is money nowadays because of the increasing cost of healthcare the world over. By this convoluted logic health is something that we say is money or wealth.

Not too say that health is an end in itself. There are so many things if you want to keep yourself in good health.

Now good health can mean mental health, physical health. For a lot of people health means intense physical activity and body building but that is not true and you should make sure that health is not only physical well being but also mental as well as psychological well being.

Health is directly proportional to fortune, money, and inspiration. Laughter and love.

That said there have been so many of the factors which have made sure that we all have good health that in this blog of mine I will be giving health and beauty tips on many such things which are more of a particular culture like Feng Shui or the Yoga or even meditation in some cultures.

The health is also affected by the environment, our lifestyle as well as what we eat, so I will also be giving tips of health eating as well how to maintain a good environment.
This includes nutrition as well as stress management. Stress is one thing that also affects the health and excissve work or home related stress can cause a lot of damage to yourself and the brain too.

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