Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lasik Surgery

Lasik Surgery is a very common procedure that you can use for various eye related issues.
That said the best thing to do is to have prevention tha go for cure. However that I was able to find out quite a few thing about lasik surgery from all over the web.
To begin with here is one which says about the dilemma of getting San Diego Lasik Surgery
keep reding more in my next post.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Eyes and Computers - Health Tip No 3

Computers are ubiquitous now everywhere and which has meant that for very need be it shopping or music we log onto the computers.
The advantage to our life is actually the most potent weapon for destroying our eyes.

Look at the computer users around you and you will find that most of the computer users have big dark circles under their eyes. You eyes have become smaller and they constantly ache.

Stress coupled with active nightlife as well as excessive compute usage causes a lot of problems with the eyes. Your eyes will get puffed as well as will have that tired look.

More than two to three hours in front of the computer can cause your to have eyes muscles actually get tired. After that you will have so much fatigue In your eyes ad they will also burn with sensation.

This discomfort will also cause you headache and blurred vision. Here are a few tips that you need to remember while using the computer.

Adjust the height of the workstation so that it is at the proper distance from your eyes and use proper lighting.

Next make sure that the computer screen which is there has a brightness level which matches the brightness level of the room.

Reflection should be minimum and that can happen if you can make sure that there is no direct sunlight as well as you can use the anti glare screens.

Take breaks in between to relax your eyes. One break every one hour for ten minutes is adequate

Blink your eyes so that the eyes do not get dry.

Exercise your eyes when sitting in front of the computer. Look at distant objects for a few minutes in between away from the computer to help them relax as well as refocus.

Get adequate sleep as that alone is a major cause of dark eyes and eye stress,

Water for health - Health Tips No. 2

If you are doing any exercise and you are sweating profusely then water is the answer. Drink lots and lots of water before and after the exercises.

Talking of water, a major portion of our body is pure water. It is this water which constitutes about two thirds of our body weight. For example a 150 pound person contains about 40 to 50 quarts of water.

Breakdown of water in body

Blood is 83% water

Muscles are 75% water

The brain is 74% water

Bone is 22% water.

Necessity of water from a daily body function is a must. It absorbs vitamins and nutrients and helps in digestion. It is detoxification agent and that helps the liver and the kidneys and carries away all toxins from the body.

Water does not allow constipation to happen and it works along with fibers to make sure that we do not have constipation.

Water is a Wonder Drug

Doctors say that you should have eight glasses of water each day and that means that this water is without any contaminants and bad constituents. Pure simple water can make sure that

You have improved energy
No toxins or unwanted chemical remains inside your body
Keeps your skin hydrated and glowing
Help is digestion

It also helps in weight loss because it is a natural appetite suppressant and that means that you can actually make sure that you have water on a regular basis you will feel less hungry which means that you will eventually lose weight.

Water is a Stress Buster.

If you have sat near water body you will notice how water soothes you and will enjoy the nice touch of water. This is precisely the reason that beach front homes are in always great demand. A lot of people just go over the weekends to live on the beach front homes just because they want to get that relaxation.

It is these negative ions which will give you relaxation.

Water in the homes

Water fountains is one such thing that you can have in your courtyard or you can have indoor water fountains which will help you get that soothing feeling which people have when they go to a beach or a lake.

You can get cheaply at your home using the fountains at home. There are so many varieties of fountains available nowadays that you will be spoilt for choice.

Update: If you are looking for the various styles of water fountains then you would need to read the details of all types of water fountains at the indoor water fountains special at this blog. This provides special information about a large number of water fountains and how they are beneficial including instructions on how to make an indoor fountain.

Water is good for pregnant women as well as nursing mothers. Water is helpful in removing the kidney stones and it will make sure that you can have the kidneys free of toxins.


Drink water every morning after you get up because it will get your body rid of the toxins which are there in the body after all night.

Yoga for mind and body - Health Tips Lesson 1

Yoga for mind body and soul - Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word Yoga which means spirituality and exercise. Yoga has been practiced by the Indian Gurus for ages. It was the only form of exercise for the Gurus who led a simple life and were particular about meditation and mind exercises. For keeping their body fit they did yoga every morning and evening.

Yoga as an exercise consists of so many exercises which deals with all sorts exercises that can be done by the us and it exercise targets a different part of the body and some exercises are solely dedicated to the mind.

I will come to those exercises later but the fact is that these exercise need to be done in a disciplined manner.

Yoga’s do’s and dont’s

Breathing is a very crucial element of yoga and that means that Yoga will be a perfect way of doing the exercises if you can control breathing. Wrong breathing while doing yoga can cause brain damage as well as hernia.

As a beginner never try to do the complex exercise but do simple exercises.
Find yourself a good qualified instructor. With the mushrooming of yoga institutes all over the country the chances are that some of the institutes may not have qualified instructors and that can be a bad thing as wrong yoga is very harmful.

Cold start of anything is bad. Same goes for Yoga never start doing the yoga exercises directly as you are more likely to cause ligament damage as well as tissue damage. Always do some warm up exercises before you do yoga.

Clothes – Wear looses clothes when you are doing yoga exercises. What that means is that Yoga should be done in clothes which are loose fitting else the free movement of legs and arms is restricted causing one to do improper exercise.

People with back and spine problems should never do the Yoga asana without consulting the doctor. If you have any ailment like heart problem or any serious health issues make sure to get the doctors advice.

Never try to outdo others if you are in a group setting as Yoga is not a competitive sport and rather it is a very relaxation oriented exercise form. So if you are in a competitive mode then the likelihood of you doing the wrong exercise is much more as well as your mind will not be relaxing. This is complete the anti of what Yoga is supposed to be.

Update - read all about exercise equipment here. 

If you experience pain during a particular posture avoid that exercise and ask for a doctors opinion. Yoga is no substitute for doing exercises to burn calories.

Definition of health

While starting to write this blog I wanted to search for the definition of health and as usual the first thing that I did was to search for health in Google.

Wikipedia said that there is nothing per se which can be called a universal definition of health and each and every one of the countries and cultures define the health in a unique manner.

It said something like a resource for everyday life and the not the objective of living. Health is all encompassing and it said that health is meant to be the positive concept which is sure to mean something very abstract but which is wanted by everyone young and old.

Health is wealth is definitely true in a way. One because the health of the people is related to the general sense of well being as well as what it means is that you cannot but live a good life when in good health. You are cheerful, you enjoy various things in life and also work hard to make sure that it is very much the essence by which we live.

Health is money nowadays because of the increasing cost of healthcare the world over. By this convoluted logic health is something that we say is money or wealth.

Not too say that health is an end in itself. There are so many things if you want to keep yourself in good health.

Now good health can mean mental health, physical health. For a lot of people health means intense physical activity and body building but that is not true and you should make sure that health is not only physical well being but also mental as well as psychological well being.

Health is directly proportional to fortune, money, and inspiration. Laughter and love.

That said there have been so many of the factors which have made sure that we all have good health that in this blog of mine I will be giving health and beauty tips on many such things which are more of a particular culture like Feng Shui or the Yoga or even meditation in some cultures.

The health is also affected by the environment, our lifestyle as well as what we eat, so I will also be giving tips of health eating as well how to maintain a good environment.
This includes nutrition as well as stress management. Stress is one thing that also affects the health and excissve work or home related stress can cause a lot of damage to yourself and the brain too.